Composable builds for on-premise products


I’ve been invited to talk about how we handle builds for GitHub Enterprise at the next RubyConf Philippines. I thought that, in preparation for my talk, it would be also a good idea to write about those topics here.

When I joined GitHub two years ago, the Enterprise builds consisted of two scripts. The first script built the Ubuntu base image, and the second one built the package that included our apps. We executed these scripts on a remote server via Hubot. I’m going to focus this first blog post on one of the main problems these scripts had. They were really hard to maintain and customize for future needs.

The basic command that we use to build packages looks like this:

hubot build ghp VERSION

This sent a request to the server to run the build script for the package. That command also accepted several flags to build packages for topic branches. More often than not, we ended up running something like this:

hubot build ghp VERSION --github-branch TOPIC --cookbooks-branch TOPIC --gist-branch TOPIC...`

Underneath, the script was responsible for several things:

  1. Configure the environment for the current build.
  2. Pull each project and topic branch that Enterprise needs to run.
  3. Build debian packages for each one of those projects.
  4. Pack all debian packages into a single deliverable.
  5. Upload that deliverable to our storage server.
  6. Notify the person that ran the command.

As you can imagine, those are a lot of responsibilities for a single script. We decided to rewrite the script and the api and start from scratch.

Enter composable builds.

The first thing we did was to separate every one of those steps into smaller meaningful pieces. We followed a pretty common pattern: the middleware pattern. We called each one of those pieces “Conduit.” For instance, the step to build a debian package looks like this:

class BuildGitHubDeb
  def run(payload)
    # call brew2deb to generate a debian package
    payload['github_deb'] = debian_path

And the steps to configure our cloud service looks like this:

class SetupCompute
  def run(payload)
    payload['compute'] =

class SetupStorage
  def run(payload)
    storage =
    payload['storage'] = storage
    payload['storage_directory'] ="enterprise")

As you might have guessed already, every conduit shares that payload argument.

The conduit that packs the debian files into the tarball looks like this:

class BuildGhp
  def run(payload)
     debs = payload.each_with_object([]) do |(k, v), debs|
       debs << v if k =~ /_deb$/
     # call tar with all the deb paths
     payload['ghp_path'] = tar_path

And the conduit that uploads the tarball to our internal storage looks like this:

class UploadGhp
  def run(payload)
    version = payload['version']
    file = payload['storage_directory'].files.create \
      key: "github-enterprise-#{version}",
    notify "Package #{version} uploaded to #{file.public_url}"

We compose what we call a Pipeline by putting together several of these conduits:

BuildEnterprisePackage = Pipeline[

By completely separating each concern, we got more simple snippets of code. Now, we can reuse them to extend our tools beyond the two initial scripts we had with every piece coupled. What started as a replacement for two hubot commands is now a complex tool that handles 40 different commands.

In the next post, I’ll explain how we handle the expectations for each conduit and the flags that we provide via our chat client.

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